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Daniel's article about C. elegans sleep states featured in The Scientist
Microfluidic Chambers Trigger Sleep in C. elegans This newly described behavior occurs spontaneously, but can be modulated by food...

KHOU visits lab to discuss minutely invasive brain interfaces
Rice researchers given $18M grant to develop mind-reading helmet

Jacob and colleagues discuss wireless bioelectronic treatment for pain on Fox26
Collaborative research to develop wirelessly powered nerve stimulators may help reduce pain and opioid addiction.

NIH funds wireless bioelectronics as alternative to opioids
Rice neuroengineers developing implantable nerve stimulators for NIH-funded project

Houston chronicle covers lab's work on magnetic neural interfaces
In 4 years, humans could don magnetic helmets developed at Rice and communicate using only their minds

Daniel Gonzales wins Hanna Gray Fellowship from HHMI
Congratulations to recent alum Daniel Gonzales on being selected as one of the 15 HHMI Hanna Gray fellows. Well done!

Lab's effort to build non-invasive neural interfaces in TMC news
Why scientists are working with the military to develop headsets that can read minds

Jesse leads startup company based on FlatCam technology
Congratulations to Jesse Adams for winning a cyclotron road fellowship to start in the Bay Area. First startup out of the lab...

Lab leads $18M effort to build non-surgical brain interface
DARPA-funded program to build a brain link based on optical and magnetic technology

Amanda's work on battery-free bioelectronics highlighted in Science
Magnetoelectrics from Amanda's work discussed in this news article in Science [read more]
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